2020 - Volume 23 [Issue 6]

Original Research Article

Ethnozoological Knowledge and Local Perceptions about the Reintroduction of the North African Ostrich (Struthio camelus camelus Linnaeus, 1858) in the Koutous, Niger

Maïmounatou Ibrahim Mamadou, Abdoulaye Harouna, Maman Kamal Abdou Habou, Marie Petretto, Ali Mahamane

DOI: 10.9734/jalsi/2020/v23i630165

Page: 1-14

Effects of Graded Dietary Protein on Growth and Laying Performance of Pearl Guinea Fowl (Numida meleagris)

Korankye Okyere, James Kwame Kagya- Agyemang, Serekye Yaw Annor, Akwasi Asabere- Ameyaw, Clement Gyeabour Kyere, Noel Fiashide, Wisdom Setsiwah

DOI: 10.9734/jalsi/2020/v23i630168

Page: 23-29

Performance Evaluation of Different Accession of Anacardium occidentale L. Seed under Various Substrates

Aminatou Hamida, Massai Tchima Jacob, Oumarou Palou Madi, Yaboki Elisabeth, Boursi Jérémie, Aoutaksa Bouba Christian, Ranava Dieudonné

DOI: 10.9734/jalsi/2020/v23i630170

Page: 38-47

Review Article

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