2024 - Volume 27 [Issue 3]

Original Research Article

Practical Applications of Teaching Methodologies in Human Anatomy

Paulo Franco Taitson, Laura Furletti Santiago, Marcela Cançado Sarkis, Fernanda Oliveira Prado de Vasconcelos, Clara Fraga Elias

DOI: 10.9734/jalsi/2024/v27i3642

Page: 1-6

Acaricide Potential of Creosote Bush (Larrea tridentata) Extracts in the Control of Varroa destructor in Apis mellifera

J.C. García-López, R.E. Herrera-Medina, J.A. Rendón-Huerta, L.O. Negrete-Sánchez, H.A. Lee-Rangel, G. Álvarez-Fuentes

DOI: 10.9734/jalsi/2024/v27i3643

Page: 7-20

Evaluation of Mulberry Germplasm for Growth and Yield Parameters during Different Seasons

Sushmitha C, Chikkalingaiah, Manjunatha S R, Vidyashree S, Vinay Kumar M

DOI: 10.9734/jalsi/2024/v27i3644

Page: 21-31

Diversity of Anopheles Larvae in Toro Local Government Area, Bauchi State, North-East Nigeria

Luka, I., Ombugadu, A., Njila, H. L., Mafuyai, M. J., Mamot, L. P., Nanvyat, N.

DOI: 10.9734/jalsi/2024/v27i3646

Page: 49-57

Agronomic Yield, Digestibility, and Protein Content of Nine Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) Varieties in Central Valley Oaxaca Mexico

G. Álvarez Fuentes, J. C. García López, J. A. Rendón Huerta, H. A. Lee Rangel, L. O. Negrete Sánchez, R. López Ortiz

DOI: 10.9734/jalsi/2024/v27i3648

Page: 74-82

Study of Factors Influencing the Intestinal Microbiota in Children from 0 to 3 Months at the Mother and Child Hospital of Bingerville, Ivory Coast during 2023

Grace Kemsol Miedjim, Gbonon Mbengue Valérie, Akaffou Adja Evelyne, Ndôh Ngrabé Nodje- Assal, Ndri Kouamé Mathias, Guede Cataud Marius, Assohoun Egomli Stanislas, Marcelle Money Ettien, Franck Djéda Gnahoré, Ambroise Kouamé Kintossou, Kouamé Clarisse, Kangah Tatiana, Afran Sidjè Arlette, Diplo Flore, Setchi Luc Olivier, Koffi Stéphane, Dosso Mireille

DOI: 10.9734/jalsi/2024/v27i3649

Page: 83-92

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